Machine Learning in JavaScript

Darren DeRidder / @73rhodes


machine learning

naive bayesian classifiers


About Me


Computer Systems Engineer

Real-time • AAA • Network Security • Mobile

Tech lead on Kindsight Mobile Security @ Alcatel

Mobile World Congress • Blackhat 2013

@ottawa_js organizer

Full Disclosure...

"I Am Not A Data Scientist"


and that's ok!

There are lots of tools available for us mortals.

Naive Bayesian Classification

simple, yet surprisingly effective

Bayesian Filters Can...

  • filter out spam
  • figure out if a page is about apples (fruit) or computers
  • guess gender given height, weight and shoe size
  • etc!

Bayes' Theorum

` P(A|B) = (P(B|A)P(A)) / (P(B)) = ...`

`= (P(B|A)P(A)) / ( P(B|A) P(A) + (1-P(B|A))(1-P(A)))`

Binary Bayesian Classifier

`P(A) = ( prod_(i=1)^n P(A|W_i) ) / ( (prod_(i=1)^n P(A|W_i)) + (prod_(i=1)^n (1 - P(A|W_i))) )`

Or, in Plain English


Life is like...

a box of chocolates.

You never know what you're gonna get.

(But you can make a pretty good guess!)

A Simple Example

  Nuts No Nuts
Round 25% 75%
Square 75% 25%
Dark 10% 90%
Light 90% 10%

What if we pick a round, light chocolate?

A Simple Example

A round, light chocolate...

  Nuts No Nuts P(Nuts) P(NoNuts)
Round .25 .75 .25 .75
Square .75 .25 - -
Dark .10 .90 - -
Light .90 .10 .90 .10
`prod_(i=1)^n P_i` .225 .075

The Results

`x = 0.225 / 0.075 = 3`

A round, light chocolate is 3 times more likely to have nuts.

(This is a likelihood function.)

Binary Classification

Classify as "Nuts" or "No Nuts", with some level of certainty.

`P(N) = 0.225 / (0.225 + 0.075) = 0.75 = 75%`

(We're 75% sure this chocolate has nuts.)

Machine Learning in Node.JS


Optimized binary classifier for limited vocabularies.

Leverages "missing" traits to improve accuracy by ~10%.

Used in production...
